Sedona MS Ride
Cottonwood, Cornville and Sedona, AZ
May 17 and 18th
Sterling Margetts
This was my 6th year riding the MS ride and third
year at the Verde Valley location. This
year was a little different than previous years (rain, sleet, hail, and snow
two years ago, and broken spoke and wind last year) with it being hot and the
route being reversed.
I woke up at 3:00am on Saturday May 17th loaded
up my truck and headed up to the Cottonwood Fair Grounds to meet up with Scott
around 6am to get ready for the 7am start of the race. After some friendly
greetings friends and other riders, we lined up at the start line to lead the
group out on the ride with the Discount Tire team. And so began our journey up State Route 89A
from Cottonwood to Sedona. Along the way
we took several scenic detours through the Red Rock Valleys, including a
section of dirt road that surprised me last year, but it was in better shape
this year. We traversed about part of
Sedona before we headed back down toward Oak Creek Village and Cottonwood.
On our way through the gusting wind and temperatures near
100 degrees back to Cottonwood we encountered a tragic accident of a
vehicle/bicycle rider associated with the race.
The police was on the scene and several people were attending to the
injured rider on the ground. With things
out of our control and being taken care of the by the authorities we hurried to
the finish line appreciating the safety we were lucky to have and hoping the
best for our fellow cyclist. Although
some parts of the ride may have seemed tough climbs with hot gusty winds it was
noting in comparison to the challenges that those with MS face each day of
their lives.
As we wrapped up the first day and went back to the hotel,
my mind kept thinking about the injured rider and hoped that everything was
okay. It was not till the morning when
we arrived back at the fair grounds that we were told that the rider did not
survive the accident and that day 2 ride would be limited to the 30 mile loop
out of respect for what had happened the previous day. So with heavy hearts we had a moment of
silence and then began our ride for those with MS and the cyclist who we had
lost yesterday. The Second day took us
through Page Springs, which I image to be like riding through the French
countryside with rivers and wineries lining the winding rolling road. It’s a fantastic ride and helped raise up our
spirits to remember the purpose of our ride to help others. We finished the 30
mile loop weaving through Cottonwood and Clarkdale. I enjoy my time helping with this cause and
wish the best for the family of those that were unfortunately impacted by the
tragic event on Saturday.
Thank you to all the sponsors for helping me be a part of
this great cause.
Sedona MS Ride
Conttonwood, Cornville & Sedona, AZ
May 17 & 18, 2014
Scott Thomas
So this was my (Scott) first year riding this ride. Late last year a close family member of mine was dianogesed with MS, so when Sterling asked me if I wanted to ride it with him and the Discount Tire team I jumped at it. This would be my longest distance on a road bike.
So pretty typical for an out-of-town race for me that I packed up and headed out on Friday. Along the drive I had the typical me time to figure out a plan and just life in general. I've live in AZ since 1998 and for the most part I always refer to Kentucky and Virginia as home for me. As I pasted the Prescott exit on the way to Sedona I saw the horizon and something finally clicked with me and Arizona is where I can call home now. I will always have ties to Kentucky and Virginia, but this is home.

Well I made it to Sedona and got checked in and all set up in my hotel. Laid out all the gear for Saturday morning. My hotel was about a 30 minute drive from the start of the ride on Saturday morning, so I wanted to make sure I was ready. Filled all my bottle and put them in the frig and headed to bed.
Saturday morning comes, grab my stuff and head to Cottonwood. Sterling had driven up that morning from Phoenix. We got there in time for the Discount Tire team picture and then lined up for the start. There were about 600+ riders at the start for Saturday's ride. The options for the ride were 50 miles, 70 miles and the 90 miles. Sterling and I were in for at least the 70, but the 90 option we would decide at that turn.
The ride starts off in Cottonwood and a small loop thru town to immediately start heading out to Sedona. By the time we hit mile 10 the pack had really spread out. There's some climbing along the 89A into Sedona, but nothing to horrible to complain about. As you hit the second aid station or mile 20-ish for the 70 & 90 mile courses you do a small loop that takes you down a 1 mile packed dirt road. I was a little concerned being on my road bike, but the dirt actually wasn't bad and better than parts of the asphalt I had already seen.
As we headed into Sedona again there is a turn for the 70 & 90 mile courses that is about a 10 mile out and back (totaling 20 miles). The heading out on this part seemed much further than the coming back in part. As soon as we get back we weave thru Sedona and hit the aid station where they have lunch set up.
After a quick bite we head out to finish this. At this point we are right about 50 miles. I knew that we had about 3 more miles out of town and then about 6 miles till we hit the turn for the 90 mile course for turn and head back for the 70 mile course.
As we hit the road that would be the 6 miles it seemed like someone had turned on the wind. Sterling mentioned after the fact that that section was suppose to be the fun part as there is a slight downhill to it. It wasn't. It was a pedal the entire 6 miles. At the end of this section there was an aid station just before the turn to either the 70+ or the 90 mile course. Sterling and I both filled our bottles and at this point decided that we would just head in for the 70 mile course.
We made the turn, which was about 100 yards from the aid station and started to head to Cornville. As soon as we made the turn I saw two sheriffs trucks stopped in the road and about 5-6 cars stopped behind them. Thinking the worse as Sterling and I got closer, not sure if we would be able to get thru, saw a rider had been hit.
As we passed I turned and saw the rider that the sheriff was working on and I had a sick feeling over me. Had we been 2 minutes faster that could have been Sterling or I or both. The next 14 miles to the end of the ride would be the longest I've had in a while and the most somber ones for sure. As we hit the last aid station the air-vac helicopter flew over.
Getting back to the start/finish area couldn't hit soon enough.
Sunday morning comes and I packed up my hotel room and grab everything and headed to Cottonwood for round two. Getting to the start area I find out that the 50 mile option would not be offered due to the fact that the rider that got hit on Saturday didn't make it.
A brief statement was made by the local MS Chapter president regarding the accident and then we were off and running again. Today's ride would be fun. Again thru the town of Cottonwood and then out the 89A towards Sedona, but making a turn well before toward a community called Page Springs.
Living in AZ for 18+ years I've never heard of Page Springs, but I will be going back. We dropped down into this small community and there were 4-5 vineyards and wineries. What a hidden little gem in the middle of no where it seemed. It was very pretty and pleasant down there.
We headed out of there and a brief hit of Cornville before back into Cottonwood and out to a town called Clarkdale. It was a nice steady climb up to Clarkdale, but the reward of the downhill coming back into Cottonwood was worth it.
All in all it was a nice weekend of riding. I wish drivers had more respect for us cyclists and understood the laws. Will I be back next year? Hard to say yet, but what a great cause to ride for.