Midweek MTB Race
Series – Race #9
Solitude Ski Resort
(Little Cottonwood Canyon)
August 12, 2014
Steve Warner
We have had a very wet summer here in Utah, which resulted
in the cancellation of the Midweek Races on July 29 and August 5. It’s not that
bikers in Utah are wimps and can’t ride in the rain, but tires on a muddy trail
are tough on the trail systems and the summer rainstorms are also commonly
accompanied by lightning.
The forecast was showing rain again for the evening of
Tuesday, August 12th; however, the race organizers held off from
calling the race. I headed up to Solitude Ski Resort and with clouds looming
they decided to go forward with the race. The course consisted of 7.2 mile loop
that started next to the lodge at the bottom of the resort and climbed 1400
feet to the top ski run. The climb was long and steep, but not nearly as bad as
the one I did three weeks earlier at Deer Valley. We started at 8,000 feet and
climbed to well over 9000 feet. I felt good on the climb and was able to find a
group of riders to grind it out with. The ride down was an adrenaline-causing,
hair-raising descent that made it all worth it. Toward the top of the climb the
rain started, persisted on the descent, and then just down pored moments after
putting my bike on the rack of my truck.
It was a great race. Two more races in the Midweek series,
one at Snowbird and then back to Solitude. Special thanks
to Serfas (tires, eyewear and shorts), GU (Roctane Gel and Drink), Stan’s
(sealant), and ProGold (chain lube).